Access and Borrowing Policies

Access and Borrowing Policies

The Canizaro Library is open to the general public; visitors who are not currently enrolled at, or employed by, Ave Maria University (AMU) may obtain limited access to the Canizaro Library by registering for a Community Borrower account.

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Please note the following:

  • Borrowers must live in Southwest Florida.
  • If the borrower lives in Ave Maria, he or she must present proof of residency. Accepted forms of identification: driver's license, county property tax receipt, voter's registration card, State of Florida ID card, property deed or mortgage/annual lease agreement, utility bill, or vehicle registration, which includes street address.
  • Those who live outside of Ave Maria will need to obtain a library card from their local
  • public library along with a Southwest Florida Library Network (SWFLN) sticker. See the list of participating libraries.
  • Borrowers must be at least 18 years old to register for an account.
  • Borrowing privileges are not transferable.

Computer access

All computers in the Canizaro Library are reserved for AMU faculty, staff, and students.

Access to the library by minors

All minors under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times while in the Canizaro Library.

High school visits

Teachers from the Donahue Academy may bring small groups of 10-15 high school students(grades 11 and 12 only) to the Library so that they may check out library books for a specific research project. Students desiring to check out library books must have a permission form signed by their parent/guardian. The parent/guardian will be made responsible for any overdue fine or lost/damaged books. The permission forms must be returned to the Library 1 week prior to the class visit so that accounts can be created for each student Students should search theLibrary’s catalog before coming to the Library, and must bring a list of call numbers and titles with them. Students may check out a maximum of three (3) books each for 30 days with no renewals. Overdue notices will be sent in sealed envelopes to the Donahue Academy to be distributed to students 6 weeks after the students come to the Library. If items are not returned within a week after the notices are sent to the Donahue Academy notices will be mailed to the student’s home. Students from the Donahue Academy are not permitted to check out audiovisual materials.

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