The AMU blogs give a voice to our students, faculty and leadership to discuss and share their thoughts on specific intellectual issues from our curriculum. Each blog is dedicated to a specific course of study. If you want to get the inside scoop on important topics within our comprehensive liberal arts formation plan, look no further than the blogs of AMU.
Have a special place in your heart for the likes of Socrates and Aristotle? You might want to check out the AMU Philosophy Department blog. It features a collection of philosophical reflections on perennial and contemporary questions, as well as Departmental and University news.
Have a special place in your heart for the likes of Socrates and Aristotle? You might want to check out the AMU Philosophy Department blog. It features a collection of philosophical reflections on perennial and contemporary questions, as well as Departmental and University news.
The theology blog at AMU provides reflections on fascinating topics surrounding God and our Catholic Faith. You’ll find important announcements concerning the Theology department as well as brief expositions on leading Catholic thinkers like Sts. Augustine, Ambrose and Thomas Aquinas.
The theology blog at AMU provides reflections on fascinating topics surrounding God and our Catholic Faith. You’ll find important announcements concerning the Theology department as well as brief expositions on leading Catholic thinkers like Sts. Augustine, Ambrose and Thomas Aquinas.
If you’re intrigued by how money moves the world, the mysterious force of free human choice, and the government’s role in the economy, the Economics blog is the place for you. Our economics articles will keep your money-brain riveted, featuring considerations and reflections on current events or economic theory at large.
If you’re intrigued by how money moves the world, the mysterious force of free human choice, and the government’s role in the economy, the Economics blog is the place for you. Our economics articles will keep your money-brain riveted, featuring considerations and reflections on current events or economic theory at large.
This blog is dedicated to highlighting Academic Affairs at Ave Maria University. While not specific to any one department or course of study, this blog shares news, announcements and discussions surrounding the AMU liberal arts curriculum as a whole.
This blog is dedicated to highlighting Academic Affairs at Ave Maria University. While not specific to any one department or course of study, this blog shares news, announcements and discussions surrounding the AMU liberal arts curriculum as a whole.
5050 Ave Maria Blvd., Ave Maria, FL 34142