AVE MARIA, Florida (Mar. 18, 2025) — Ave Maria University has established a mutual graduate program scholarship agreement with the University of Dallas in Irving, Texas.
Students who have graduated from either university are eligible for a scholarship to attend graduate school at the other. Because UDallas and AMU are both recommended by the Cardinal Newman Society’s college guide, this scholarship — amounting to a 20% decrease in tuition — is named the Newman School Scholarship.
The Newman School Scholarship will be available to students accepted into any graduate program. Ave Maria University students seeking to further their studies in the Braniff Graduate School of the Liberal Arts or the Satish and Yasmin Gupta College of Business are eligible for these scholarships. AMU students will have access to over 30 graduate programs at the University of Dallas.
Reciprocally, Constantin College graduates admitted to any AMU graduate program can benefit from the scholarship.
“We’re excited about this partnership because we’re creating opportunities for students from each school to continue their personal and professional development in a context that supports their faith and their commitment to lifelong learning,” said J. Lee Whittington, PhD, dean of the College of Business.
Roger W. Nutt, AMU Provost, said, “Placing our graduates in excellence jobs and top-tier graduate programs is a priority of Ave Maria University. Recruiting graduates from the best Catholic universities into our own graduate programs is also a priority.”
Dr. Nutt continued, “This exciting agreement enables qualifying graduates of Ave Maria University to study in many graduate programs at the University of Dallas — with a generous scholarship, and it allows graduates of the University of Dallas the same opportunity at Ave Maria University. This is both a great opportunity for students and a win-win for Ave Maria University and the University of Dallas.”
Ave Maria University is grateful for this partnership with the University of Dallas and looks forward to the fruit that will be born of it.
To learn more about AMU graduate programs, visit https://www.avemaria.edu/academics/graduate.
5050 Ave Maria Blvd., Ave Maria, FL 34142