Sandra Tirado, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
(239) 304-7085
Thomas Student Union 2007A

Sandra Tirado, Ph.D.

Dr. Sandra Tirado was born and raised in Colombia. She is passionate about helping students across America; she has brought students from Latin America to North American universities, including Canada and the U.S.A, with proposals submitted to the Colombian science foundation – Colciencias-. Her awarded grants helped develop a technological and scientific alliance between Latin American and North American Universities and brought more than a dozen underprivileged students to North America.

Dr. Tirado is a Visiting Associate Professor of Biology at Ave Maria University and an Environmental Sciences and Microbiology adjunct at Florida Southwestern State College. She hopes to continue working collaboratively with faculty and students across countries to develop research and alliances to help improve the understanding of our environment and the gifts of Nature.

Before joining AMU, Dr. Tirado was a full-time Professor at Florida Southwestern State College, working with outreach programs at Moore Haven, LaBelle, and Clewiston in FL. She focuses on helping students construct knowledge through projects, hands-on activities, and lots of academic debate and discussion that allows vest dedicated students success. She believes that teachers are not primarily in charge of dispensing information but rather serve to monitor a structure where students can develop critical thinking skills to access, apply, and investigate relevant topics. Approximately 35% of her FSW student body qualified for free or reduced lunch.

Dr. Tirado obtained her B.S. in Microbiology from Pontifical Javeriana University in Colombia in 2003, her M.Sc. in Biological Engineering from The Ohio State University, and her PhD. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Guelph in Canada. After completing her graduate degrees, she served as a professor in Florida and has a bast teaching experience in higher education. Dr. Tirado taught in a variety of synchronous and asynchronous environments. She is familiar with teaching online, traditional, live online, and flex. She has served the student community by designing and implementing learning management systems in her classes. She has served as a science fair judge in Lee and Charlotte counties and has been an honorary guest speaker in Colombia, Canada, and Ohio.

Dr. Sandra Tirado's research experience includes working with microorganisms in water, soil, plants, and food. She completed her BSc in the Microbiology unit at Pontifical Javeriana University in Colombia, working with biofilms of Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas sp in packages for the food industry. After her BSc, she earned a scholarship as a visiting scientist at Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center – OARDC – at The Ohio State University in Wooster- OH. During this period, she worked evaluating compostability and microbial communities of polymer-coated paperboard packing materials. While in Wooster, the Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering department recruited her to complete her M.Sc, working collaboratively with Colombian universities. At OARDC, she worked on the effects of turning frequency, pile size, and season on physical, chemical, and microbiological properties during dairy manure/sawdust composting and its impact on plant growth.

After her time in Ohio, she moved to Guelph. She worked conjunctly with the governmental institution of Environment in Canada and the Ontario Agricultural College at the University of Guelph to assess the energy regime impacts on pathogen-particle interaction linking water quality to ecosystems and public health completing her Ph.D. dissertation.

Dr. Tirado pursues completing research at AMU to cover areas such as the succession of native plants and invasive species, accumulation of various contaminants in native plants growing in polluted soils; economics of native plants in residential landscape designs; and plant, soil, and microbial interactions in residual leachate, among other topics.

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  • B.Sc., Environmental Microbiology, Pontifical Universidad Javeriana
  • M.Sc., Biological Engineering, Ohio State University
  • Ph.D., Environmental Biology, University of Guelph


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  • “Linking Pathogen and Sediment Dynamics: Implications on Policy Development for Aquatic and Human Health Management”. Droppo, I.G., King, K., Tirado, S., Sousa, A., Drudge, C., Wolfaardt, G., Liss, S.N. and Warren, L 12th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediment and Water, Dartington, England. (2011)
  • “Potential Risk of Suspended Particulate Matter in Aquatic Ecosystems”. Paper No 701P0210cd. Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and Liss, S. 21st Century Watershed Technology conference. San Jose, Costa Rica. (2010)
  • “Influence of organic matter content of microbial flocs from different aquatic systems on floc strength and indicator organisms associations” Poster No AE71. Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and Liss, S. Canadian Society of Microbiology C.S.M. Hamilton, Ontario. Canada. (2010)
  • “Seasonal Effects on the composting of dairy manure/sawdust” Poster No 83671. Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers –ASABE. Annual Meeting. Providence, R. I. U.S.A (2008)
  • “Effects of Turning Frequency, Pile Size and Season on Compost Maturity and Microbial Community Structure” Poster No 08-043. Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. North Eastern Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference- NABEC 18th Annual conference. Aberdeen, MD. U.S.A (2008)
  • “Microbial Ecology present in different compost ages”. Poster No C-16. Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. 6th Latin American Biodeterioration and Biodegradation symposium, 6Labs. Bogotá-Colombia. (2007)
  • “Determining adequate turning frequency and pile size on the composting of dairy manure/sawdust”. Poster No 27. Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. Ohio’s Future in Renewable Energy and the Bioeconomy. O.A.R.D.C Annual Conference. The Ohio State University, Columbus, O.H. U.S.A (2007)
  • “Determining microbial community Structure using T-RFLP and PCR in compost” Poster No N-235. Tirado, S. M., J. Rigot, Michel F.C. 107th American Society of Microbiology (ASM). General meeting. Toronto, Canada. (2007)
  • “Effects of turning frequency and pile size on the composting of unseperated dairy manure.” Poster No 07-P017. Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. North Eastern Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC). (2007)
  • 18th Annual Conference O.S.U, Wooster, OH. U.S.A
  • “Analysis of Bacterial Community Structure in Dairy Manure Composts” (2006)
  • Poster No 06- P001. Tirado, S. M., J. Rigot, Michel F.C. NABEC 17th Annual conference McGill University, Montreal, Canada.


  • Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and Liss, S. 2014. Bioorganic content and the relationship between energy impacts and physico-chemical properties of flocs on indicator organisms’ associations. Environment Science and Technology. Thesis publication
  • Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and Liss, S. 2013. Aquatic Borne Pathogens in Natural and Engineered Environmental Systems: Role of Particle Interactions and Mechanisms for Fate, Transport and Survival. Thesis publication
  • Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and S. Liss. 2013. Physical, Molecular and Chemical Assessments for the study of Pathogens in water systems. Thesis publication
  • Droppo, I.G.; King, K.; Tirado, S.M.; Sousa, A.; Wolfaardt, G.; Liss, S.N and Warren, L. 2010. Assessing Sediment-Pathogen Dynamics within Riverine Systems. Paper No 337-13. International Symposium on Sediment dynamics for a changing future. Warsaw, Poland.
  • Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and Liss, S. 2010. Potential Risk of Suspended Particulate Matter in Aquatic Ecosystems. Paper No 701P0210cd. 21st Century Watershed Technology conference. San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. 2010. Effects on Turning Frequency, Pile Size and Seasonal Variability on the Production of Dairy Manure and Sawdust Composts. Compost science & utilization. 18 (2): 70-80.
  • Jackson, N.D; Davis, B; Tirado S.M; Duggal, M.; Frankenhuyzen, J.v; Deaville, D.; Avanthi, M.; Tessaro, M. and Trevors, J.T. 2009. Survival mechanisms and culturability of Campylobacter jejuni under stress conditions. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.  96: 377-394
  • Tirado, S.M., Michel F.C. 2008. Seasonal Effects on the composting of Dairy Manure/Sawdust (DMS)” Paper No 083671 Annual Meeting American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)- Providence, R.I
  • Tirado, S. M., J. Rigot, Michel F.C. 2007. Analysis of bacterial community structure in dairy manure composts. Abstracts of the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Washington, DC. p468-469.
  • Michel, F.C; Rigot J; Tirado, S.M. 2005. Evaluation of the Compostability of Polymer-Coated  Paperboard Packaging Materials. Final Report.
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  • “Linking Pathogen and Sediment Dynamics: Implications on Policy Development for Aquatic and Human Health Management”. Droppo, I.G., King, K., Tirado, S., Sousa, A., Drudge, C., Wolfaardt, G., Liss, S.N. and Warren, L 12th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediment and Water, Dartington, England. (2011)
  • “Potential Risk of Suspended Particulate Matter in Aquatic Ecosystems”. Paper No 701P0210cd. Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and Liss, S. 21st Century Watershed Technology conference. San Jose, Costa Rica. (2010)
  • “Influence of organic matter content of microbial flocs from different aquatic systems on floc strength and indicator organisms associations” Poster No AE71. Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and Liss, S. Canadian Society of Microbiology C.S.M. Hamilton, Ontario. Canada. (2010)
  • “Seasonal Effects on the composting of dairy manure/sawdust” Poster No 83671. Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers –ASABE. Annual Meeting. Providence, R. I. U.S.A (2008)
  • “Effects of Turning Frequency, Pile Size and Season on Compost Maturity and Microbial Community Structure” Poster No 08-043. Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. North Eastern Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference- NABEC 18th Annual conference. Aberdeen, MD. U.S.A (2008)
  • “Microbial Ecology present in different compost ages”. Poster No C-16. Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. 6th Latin American Biodeterioration and Biodegradation symposium, 6Labs. Bogotá-Colombia. (2007)
  • “Determining adequate turning frequency and pile size on the composting of dairy manure/sawdust”. Poster No 27. Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. Ohio’s Future in Renewable Energy and the Bioeconomy. O.A.R.D.C Annual Conference. The Ohio State University, Columbus, O.H. U.S.A (2007)
  • “Determining microbial community Structure using T-RFLP and PCR in compost” Poster No N-235. Tirado, S. M., J. Rigot, Michel F.C. 107th American Society of Microbiology (ASM). General meeting. Toronto, Canada. (2007)
  • “Effects of turning frequency and pile size on the composting of unseperated dairy manure.” Poster No 07-P017. Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. North Eastern Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC). (2007)
  • 18th Annual Conference O.S.U, Wooster, OH. U.S.A
  • “Analysis of Bacterial Community Structure in Dairy Manure Composts” (2006)
  • Poster No 06- P001. Tirado, S. M., J. Rigot, Michel F.C. NABEC 17th Annual conference McGill University, Montreal, Canada.


  • Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and Liss, S. 2014. Bioorganic content and the relationship between energy impacts and physico-chemical properties of flocs on indicator organisms’ associations. Environment Science and Technology. Thesis publication
  • Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and Liss, S. 2013. Aquatic Borne Pathogens in Natural and Engineered Environmental Systems: Role of Particle Interactions and Mechanisms for Fate, Transport and Survival. Thesis publication
  • Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and S. Liss. 2013. Physical, Molecular and Chemical Assessments for the study of Pathogens in water systems. Thesis publication
  • Droppo, I.G.; King, K.; Tirado, S.M.; Sousa, A.; Wolfaardt, G.; Liss, S.N and Warren, L. 2010. Assessing Sediment-Pathogen Dynamics within Riverine Systems. Paper No 337-13. International Symposium on Sediment dynamics for a changing future. Warsaw, Poland.
  • Tirado, S.M; Droppo, I.G and Liss, S. 2010. Potential Risk of Suspended Particulate Matter in Aquatic Ecosystems. Paper No 701P0210cd. 21st Century Watershed Technology conference. San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • Tirado, S. M. and F. C. Michel. 2010. Effects on Turning Frequency, Pile Size and Seasonal Variability on the Production of Dairy Manure and Sawdust Composts. Compost science & utilization. 18 (2): 70-80.
  • Jackson, N.D; Davis, B; Tirado S.M; Duggal, M.; Frankenhuyzen, J.v; Deaville, D.; Avanthi, M.; Tessaro, M. and Trevors, J.T. 2009. Survival mechanisms and culturability of Campylobacter jejuni under stress conditions. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.  96: 377-394
  • Tirado, S.M., Michel F.C. 2008. Seasonal Effects on the composting of Dairy Manure/Sawdust (DMS)” Paper No 083671 Annual Meeting American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)- Providence, R.I
  • Tirado, S. M., J. Rigot, Michel F.C. 2007. Analysis of bacterial community structure in dairy manure composts. Abstracts of the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Washington, DC. p468-469.
  • Michel, F.C; Rigot J; Tirado, S.M. 2005. Evaluation of the Compostability of Polymer-Coated  Paperboard Packaging Materials. Final Report.


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