Roger Nutt, S.T.L., S.T.D.

Provost; Professor of Theology
(239) 280-1603
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Roger Nutt, S.T.L., S.T.D.

Roger W. Nutt, S.T.L., S.T.D., is the Provost of Ave Maria University, where he also serves as a Professor of Theology. He co-directs the Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal. He is a member of the Academy of Catholic Theology.

His research focuses on Christology and Sacramental Theology, and especially the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. These interests are reflected in the three books that he authored: Thomas Aquinas’ ‘De Unione Verbi Incarnati’ (Peeters Publishers, 2015); General Principles of Sacramental Theology (The Catholic University of America Press, 2017); and To Die is Gain: A Theological (re-)Introduction to the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick for Clergy, Laity, Caregivers, and Everyone Else (Emmaus Academic, 2022).

He has translated several works, including (with Dr. Joseph G. Trabbic) Thomas Aquinas: A Historical and Philosophical Profile (The Catholic University of America Press, 2016) by Pasquale Porro. His articles and book chapters have appeared in many publications such as Nova et Vetera, Gregorianum, Louvain Studies, The Thomist, Harvard Theological Review, Angelicum, Antiphon: A Journal of Liturgical Renewal, and the Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas.

Dr. Nutt is the editor-in-chief of Sapientia Press, and is co-editor of numerous volumes, including: Hope and Death: Christian Responses (Emmaus Academic, 2022); Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology (Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2021); Aquinas the Biblical Theologian (Emmaus Academic, 2021); Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers (Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2019); and Thomism and Predestination: Principles and Disputations (Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2016).

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The Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal


  • B.E.S., Elective Studies, St. Cloud State University
  • M.A., Theology and Christian Ministry, Franciscan University of Steubenville
  • S.T.B., Sacred Theology, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • S.T.L., Sacred Theology, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • S.T.D., Sacred Theology, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas


Recent interviews

The Future of Catholic Higher Education: Dr. Roger Nutt, Provost of Ave Maria University (

To Die is Gain | All About Anointing of the Sick (

Kresta in the Afternoon – March 7, 2024 - Hour 1 - Ave Maria Radio

Articles and book chapters (select)

  • "'To Die is Gain': The 'Remnants of Sin,' Anointing of the Sick, and Christian Dying," in Engaging Catholic Doctrine: Essays in Honor of Matthew Levering. Edited by Robert Barron, Scott W. Hahn, and James R.A. Merrick. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic, 2023, pp. 441–466.
  • "The Debate over Dignitatis Humanae at Vatican II: The Contribution of Charles Cardinal Journet," co-authored with Michael De Salvo. The Thomist 85 (2021): 175–226.
  • "Aquinas on Christ’s Unity: Revisiting the De Unione Debate." Harvard Theological Review 114:4 (2021): 491–507.
  • "Christus Est Unum Simpliciter: On Why the 'Secundarium' of the Fourth Article of Thomas Aquinas’s De Unione Verbi Incarnati Is Not a Numerically Second Esse," in Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology. Edited by Michael Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer, and Roger W. Nutt. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2021, pp. 70–88.
  • "The Reception of Aquinas in Early Twentieth-century Catholic Neo-Scholastic and Historical Theologians" in Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas. Edited by Matthew Levering and Marcus Plested. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, pp. 392–407.
  • "'Obedient unto Death': The Function of Philippians 2 in St. Thomas’s Theology of the Cross" in Aquinas the Biblical Theologian. Edited by Michael Dauphinais and Roger W. Nutt. Steubenville: Emmaus Academic, 2021, pp. 231–247.
  • "Divine Goodness, Predestination, and the Hypostatic Union: St. Thomas on the Temporal Realization of the Father’s Eternal Plan in the Incarnate Son," New Blackfriars 99 (2018): 84–96.
  • "From Eternal Sonship to Adoptive Filiation: St. Thomas on the Predestination of Christ," in Thomism and Predestination: Principles and Disputations. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2016, pp. 77–93.
  • "Are Aristotelian-Thomists Rationalists?: On Thomism, the Praeambula fidei, and Theological Faith," in Philosophy Needs Theology: Acting Against Reason is Contrary to the Nature of God. Edited by Matthew Lamb. Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016, pp. 116–134.
  • "On Analogy, the Incarnation, and the Sacraments of the Church: Considerations from the Tertia pars of the Summa theologiae," Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2014): 989–1004.
  • "Gaudium et Spes and the Indissolubility of the Sacrament of Matrimony: The Contribution of Cardinal Journet," Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 11, No. 3 (2013): 619–626.
  • "Faith, Metaphysics, and the Contemplation of Christ’s Corporeal Presence in the Eucharist: Translation of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Seventh Quodlibetal Dispute, Q. 4, A. 1 with an Introductory Essay," Antiphon: A Journal of Liturgical Renewal 15 (2011): 151–171.
  • "Providence, Wisdom, and the Justice of Job’s Afflictions: Considerations from Aquinas’ Literal Exposition on Job," The Heythrop Journal 56 (2015): 44–66.
  • "The Application of Christ’s One Oblation: Charles Journet on the Mass, the Real Presence, and the Sacrifice of the Cross," Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 8 (2010): 665–681.
  • "Sacerdotal Character and the Munera Christi: Reflections on the Theology of Charles Journet in Relation to the Second Vatican Council," Gregorianum 90 (2009): 237–253.
  • "An Office in Search of its Ontology: Mediation and Trinitarian Christology in Jacques Dupuis’ Theology of Religious Pluralism," Louvain Studies 32 (2008): 383–407.
  • "Configuration to Christ the Priest: Aquinas on Sacramental Character," Angelicum 85 (2008): 697–713.
  • "The Proof of Things Not Seen: Thomas Aquinas on Role of Reason in the Act of Faith," Josephinum Journal of Theology 15 (2008): 372–389.
  • "Inside the Mediation of Christ: The Place of Christ in the Christian Moral and Sacramental Life according to St. Thomas Aquinas," Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 5 (2007): 817–842.

Books Edited (select)

  • Dauphinais, Michael, Andrew Hofer, OP, Roger W. Nutt, editors. Thomas Aquinas as Spiritual Teacher. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2023.
  • Dauphinais, Michael A. and Roger W. Nutt, editors. Hope and Death: Christian Responses. Steubenville: Emmaus Academic, 2022, pp. 71–93.
  • Dauphinais, Michael, Andrew Hofer, OP, Roger W. Nutt, editors. Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2021.
  • Dauphinais, Michael and Roger W. Nutt, editors. Aquinas the Biblical Theologian. Steubenville: Emmaus Academic, 2021.
  • Dauphinais, Michael, Andrew Hofer, OP, Roger W. Nutt, editors. Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2019.
  • Dauphinais, Michael, Brian Kolodiejchuk, MC, Roger W. Nutt, editors. Mother Teresa and Mystics: Toward a Renewal of Spiritual Theology. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2018.
  • Long, Steven A., Roger W. Nutt, Thomas Joseph White, OP, editors. Thomism and Predestination: Principles and Disputations. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2016.
  • Harmon, Thomas P. and Roger W. Nutt, editors. Wisdom and the Renewal of Catholic Theology: Essays in Honor of Matthew L. Lamb. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, forthcoming in 2016.


  • Porro, Pasquale. Thomas Aquinas: A Historical and Philosophical Profile. Translated by Joseph G. Trabbic and Roger W. Nutt. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016.
  • Filip, Štěpán Martin, O.P. "Imago Repræsentativa Passionis Christi: St. Thomas Aquinas on the Essence of the Sacrifice of the Mass," Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 7 (2009): 405–38.
  • Ratzinger, Joseph. "The Sign of Cana," Communio 33 (2006): 682–86.

To Die Is Gain: A Theological (re-)Introduction to the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick for Clergy, Laity, Caregivers, and Everyone Else

In To Die Is Gain, Roger Nutt seeks to bring greater attention to and appreciation for the Anointing of the Sick. Beginning with an examination of cultural perceptions of dying, death, and burial, To Die Is Gain exposes the ways in which contemporary atheism and physicalism mark a clear divergence from ancient attitudes.

General Principles of Sacramental Theology

Rather than deconstruct the Church's tradition, as many recent books on the sacraments do, Roger Nutt offers a vibrant presentation of these principles as a sound foundation for a renewed appreciation of each of the seven sacraments in the Christian life as the divinely willed means of communion and friendship between God and humanity. The sacraments bestow and nourish the personal communion with Jesus Christ that is the true source of human happiness.

Thomas Aquinas, De Unione Verbi Incarnati

This volume contains the first publication in book form of an English translation of Thomas Aquinas's controversial disputed question De unione Verbi incarnate. This disputed question is a remarkable portal into the Angelic Doctor's theology of the hypostatic union, which is recognized as an area in which Aquinas forged some of his most original and penetrating articulations of the Christian faith.

Recent interviews

The Future of Catholic Higher Education: Dr. Roger Nutt, Provost of Ave Maria University (

To Die is Gain | All About Anointing of the Sick (

Kresta in the Afternoon – March 7, 2024 - Hour 1 - Ave Maria Radio

Articles and book chapters (select)

  • "'To Die is Gain': The 'Remnants of Sin,' Anointing of the Sick, and Christian Dying," in Engaging Catholic Doctrine: Essays in Honor of Matthew Levering. Edited by Robert Barron, Scott W. Hahn, and James R.A. Merrick. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic, 2023, pp. 441–466.
  • "The Debate over Dignitatis Humanae at Vatican II: The Contribution of Charles Cardinal Journet," co-authored with Michael De Salvo. The Thomist 85 (2021): 175–226.
  • "Aquinas on Christ’s Unity: Revisiting the De Unione Debate." Harvard Theological Review 114:4 (2021): 491–507.
  • "Christus Est Unum Simpliciter: On Why the 'Secundarium' of the Fourth Article of Thomas Aquinas’s De Unione Verbi Incarnati Is Not a Numerically Second Esse," in Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology. Edited by Michael Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer, and Roger W. Nutt. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2021, pp. 70–88.
  • "The Reception of Aquinas in Early Twentieth-century Catholic Neo-Scholastic and Historical Theologians" in Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas. Edited by Matthew Levering and Marcus Plested. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, pp. 392–407.
  • "'Obedient unto Death': The Function of Philippians 2 in St. Thomas’s Theology of the Cross" in Aquinas the Biblical Theologian. Edited by Michael Dauphinais and Roger W. Nutt. Steubenville: Emmaus Academic, 2021, pp. 231–247.
  • "Divine Goodness, Predestination, and the Hypostatic Union: St. Thomas on the Temporal Realization of the Father’s Eternal Plan in the Incarnate Son," New Blackfriars 99 (2018): 84–96.
  • "From Eternal Sonship to Adoptive Filiation: St. Thomas on the Predestination of Christ," in Thomism and Predestination: Principles and Disputations. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2016, pp. 77–93.
  • "Are Aristotelian-Thomists Rationalists?: On Thomism, the Praeambula fidei, and Theological Faith," in Philosophy Needs Theology: Acting Against Reason is Contrary to the Nature of God. Edited by Matthew Lamb. Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016, pp. 116–134.
  • "On Analogy, the Incarnation, and the Sacraments of the Church: Considerations from the Tertia pars of the Summa theologiae," Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2014): 989–1004.
  • "Gaudium et Spes and the Indissolubility of the Sacrament of Matrimony: The Contribution of Cardinal Journet," Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 11, No. 3 (2013): 619–626.
  • "Faith, Metaphysics, and the Contemplation of Christ’s Corporeal Presence in the Eucharist: Translation of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Seventh Quodlibetal Dispute, Q. 4, A. 1 with an Introductory Essay," Antiphon: A Journal of Liturgical Renewal 15 (2011): 151–171.
  • "Providence, Wisdom, and the Justice of Job’s Afflictions: Considerations from Aquinas’ Literal Exposition on Job," The Heythrop Journal 56 (2015): 44–66.
  • "The Application of Christ’s One Oblation: Charles Journet on the Mass, the Real Presence, and the Sacrifice of the Cross," Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 8 (2010): 665–681.
  • "Sacerdotal Character and the Munera Christi: Reflections on the Theology of Charles Journet in Relation to the Second Vatican Council," Gregorianum 90 (2009): 237–253.
  • "An Office in Search of its Ontology: Mediation and Trinitarian Christology in Jacques Dupuis’ Theology of Religious Pluralism," Louvain Studies 32 (2008): 383–407.
  • "Configuration to Christ the Priest: Aquinas on Sacramental Character," Angelicum 85 (2008): 697–713.
  • "The Proof of Things Not Seen: Thomas Aquinas on Role of Reason in the Act of Faith," Josephinum Journal of Theology 15 (2008): 372–389.
  • "Inside the Mediation of Christ: The Place of Christ in the Christian Moral and Sacramental Life according to St. Thomas Aquinas," Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 5 (2007): 817–842.

Books Edited (select)

  • Dauphinais, Michael, Andrew Hofer, OP, Roger W. Nutt, editors. Thomas Aquinas as Spiritual Teacher. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2023.
  • Dauphinais, Michael A. and Roger W. Nutt, editors. Hope and Death: Christian Responses. Steubenville: Emmaus Academic, 2022, pp. 71–93.
  • Dauphinais, Michael, Andrew Hofer, OP, Roger W. Nutt, editors. Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2021.
  • Dauphinais, Michael and Roger W. Nutt, editors. Aquinas the Biblical Theologian. Steubenville: Emmaus Academic, 2021.
  • Dauphinais, Michael, Andrew Hofer, OP, Roger W. Nutt, editors. Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2019.
  • Dauphinais, Michael, Brian Kolodiejchuk, MC, Roger W. Nutt, editors. Mother Teresa and Mystics: Toward a Renewal of Spiritual Theology. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2018.
  • Long, Steven A., Roger W. Nutt, Thomas Joseph White, OP, editors. Thomism and Predestination: Principles and Disputations. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2016.
  • Harmon, Thomas P. and Roger W. Nutt, editors. Wisdom and the Renewal of Catholic Theology: Essays in Honor of Matthew L. Lamb. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, forthcoming in 2016.


  • Porro, Pasquale. Thomas Aquinas: A Historical and Philosophical Profile. Translated by Joseph G. Trabbic and Roger W. Nutt. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016.
  • Filip, Štěpán Martin, O.P. "Imago Repræsentativa Passionis Christi: St. Thomas Aquinas on the Essence of the Sacrifice of the Mass," Nova et Vetera, English Edition, Vol. 7 (2009): 405–38.
  • Ratzinger, Joseph. "The Sign of Cana," Communio 33 (2006): 682–86.


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