Isabelle Aubin, M.M.

Staff Collaborative Pianist

Isabelle Aubin, M.M.

Isabelle Aubin brings more than 25 years of professional experience playing for singers, choruses and chamber music in Europe, Canada, and United States. She has worked in Italy for Centro Studi Italiano, Festival di musica da camera, the American Institute of Musical Studies in Graz, Austria, the Chœur Symphonique de Saguenay Lac St Jean, Camp Musical du lac St Jean and the College d’Alma, in Canada.

Before relocating to South West Florida from Rochester NY, Isabelle held positions as Principal Coach with Rochester Lyric Opera (NY); Collaborative Pianist, Vocal Coach and Instrumental Coach at Buffalo State College (NY); Collaborative Pianist at Nazareth College of Rochester (NY) where she has also taught French Lyric Diction.

Isabelle is also part of the faculty at Ave Maria University where she is Collaborative Pianist/Vocal Coach, Choir Accompanist and teaches Music History and Lyric Diction. At Florida Gulf Coast University, Isabelle Aubin teaches Diction and Vocal Literature

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  • B.M., Conservatoire de Musique du Quebec
  • M.M., Music Interpretation, Montreal University


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